Package org.deckfour.xes.model.buffered

Interface Summary
XAttributeMapSerializer This interface defines binary serialization of XAttributeMap instances, based on the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces.

Class Summary
XAbstractAttributeMapBufferedImpl NikeFS2 virtual file system storage-based implementation for the XAttributeMap interface.
XAttributeMapBufferedImpl NikeFS2 virtual file system storage-based implementation for the XAttributeMap interface.
XAttributeMapSerializerImpl This class provides binary serialization of XAttributeMap instances, based on the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces.
XFastEventList Implements a fast list of events stored in disk buffers, by using the means of the NikeFS2 virtual file system for event logs.
XSequentialEventBuffer This class provides a random-access interface to a sequential set of events.
XTraceBufferedImpl Soft-buffered implementation of the XTrace interface.
XTraceIterator This class implements an iterator over the buffered implementation for the XTrace interface.